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Q: What is the monomer from which this structute Orion can be made?
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Is a protein polymer or monomer?

Definitely a polymer. Protein is made of many monomers of amino acids.

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What is made up of monomer?

Polymers are made from monomers.

Polyethylene is a polymer made from ethane molecules that have been joined together what is ethane in this polymer?

The monomer

Is albumin a monomer?

No, albumin is not considered a type of monomer. It is considered a type of polymer made of many molecules.

What monomer are nucleic acids made of?

its made up of nucleotides

What is the monomer for ATP?

The monomer unit of ATP is the Nucleotide Adenine.

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If starch is the polymer, then the monomer is glucose, which is a monosaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide that is made up of glucose molecules.

What subunits does proteins have?

They are made by amino acids. They are the monomer

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This monomer is ethene (or ethylene) - C2H4.

What is the difference between Orion and the Orion nebula?

Orion is a constellation made up in the minds of the ancients to represent "Orion" a hunter in mythology. The Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula located south or Orion's belt. It is an area of extensive star formation. It is only called Orion Nebula as it is seen within the constellation of Orion. See related questions

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Polystyrene is a synthetic polymer made from the monomer styrene. This monomer is a liquid petrochemical and can be rigid or foam.