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1/2 per month

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13y ago

50 to 260 inches of rainfall a year.

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11y ago

it can vary from 60 degrees to 260

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Q: What is the monthly amount of rainfall in a rainforest?
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What rainforest has the highest rainfall?

The rain forest with the larger amount of rainfall is The Amazon.

What is the monthly average rainfall for the rainforest in Fiji for 2007?

The monthly average rainfall for the rainforest in Fiji in 2007 was approximately 500mm per month. This can vary slightly depending on the specific location within the rainforest.

What is the amount of rainfall in the rainforest?

25 meters ur welcome

How is the mean monthly rainfall calculated?

The mean monthly rainfall is calculated by taking the sum of all monthly rainfall measurements recorded over a period (e.g., a year) and dividing it by the number of months. This gives an average of the rainfall amount for each month over the specified period.

Which biome has the greatest amount of rainfall and variation species?

The rainforest.

Which habitat receives a great amount of rainfall and its temperatures remain warm all year?

The tropical rainforest.

The amount of what generally determines vegetation in a tropical rain forest?

The amount of rainfall generally determines the type and density of vegetation in a tropical rainforest. The high levels of rainfall support the lush and diverse plant life characteristic of these ecosystems.

What is the average rainfall in the Amazon Rainforest?

The average rainfall in the amazon rainforest is 347 days a year

Why is it call rainforest?

Rainforests are called such because they are characterized by heavy and consistent rainfall throughout the year, creating a moist and humid environment that is conducive to the growth of lush vegetation. The term "rainforest" specifically refers to forests that receive a high amount of annual rainfall.

Average rainfall in the rainforest?

It rains about 75% of the time in the rainforest

Which biome receives the greatest amount of annual rainfall?

Tropical rainforests typically receive the greatest amount of annual rainfall, ranging from 80 to 400 inches per year.

What is the amount of rain fall does a tropical rain forest have?

A tropical rainforest has a typical rainfall of 250 cm per year.