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Q: What is the mood in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens?
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MOODThroughout the play, the mood is one of impending doom in the face of rampant superstition and increasinghysteria in the Salem society. Almost every character in the play is looked upon with suspicion by his or herneighbor. The good people are punished while the evil triumph.

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What term best describes the mood during the conversation between Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens?

The term that best describes the mood during the conversation between Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in "A Tale of Two Cities" is tense. Both characters have complex emotions and tensions between them due to shared history and contrasting personalities. The conversation is charged with introspection, rivalry, and a sense of impending change.

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How does the Christmas carol convey its main theme or mood?

Dickens clearly uses good quality descriptive terminologies and synonyms

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Why did Charles Dickens name his novel A Christmas Carol A Christmas Carol?

Dickens called his story A Christmas Carol because he expected the story to be repeated and shared and and used to bring people together in a similar manner to the singing of Christmas carols which even now spread joy and bring friends and families together each year throughout London. Dickens carol was to be a song of praise for the Christmas season and of the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge. Dickens cleverly called the five chapters of the book "staves." A musical stave is a stanza with a consistent theme and mood. Each stave in the story delivers a different message and each has a definite mood. As in a carol each "stave" can stand alone but each contributes to the carol's overall theme and meaning

Discuss Humor and pathos in dickens novels?

Charles Dickens is known for his skillful blending of humor and pathos in his novels. His use of humor often lightens the mood and creates a connection with the reader, while his portrayal of poignant and emotional moments adds depth and complexity to his characters and storylines. This combination of humor and pathos allows Dickens to explore a wide range of themes and emotions, making his novels both entertaining and thought-provoking.

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What is the feeling in Resignation by Charles Dancla?

Resignation is a musical piece that has a sad but relaxing, slow mood.

How does biddy influence the mood and tone in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

She doesn't. Mood is what the reader feels when he reads a passage such as "the dark swamps and the foul mists were every where and I could not hide" When you read this doesnt it feel kind of creepy and mysterious, that is the moode . The tone is what the author is trying to have you feel like "I hated El Porigo, they were all snobs and everyone is out for themselves" in this passage the author shows a negative tone towards El porigo sorry many grammar mistakes