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Q: What is the moraine called that marks the farthest advance of a glacier?
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What marks the farthest advance of a glacier?

An extensive pile of till (loose debris & rocks) called an end moraine can build up at the front of the glacier and is typically crescent shaped. Two kinds of end moraines are recognized: terminal and recessional moraines. A terminal moraine is the ridge of till that marks the farthest advance of the glacier before it started to recede. A recessional moraine is one that develops at the front of the receding glacier; a series of recessional moraines mark the path of a retreating glacier.

What is the maraine called that marks the farthest advance of a glacier?

A terminal moraine marks the farthest advance of a glacier.Locally, we have some terminal moraines of hundreds of thousands of years old, and ranging down to about 18 000 years.

Why is a terminal moraine important to people?

A terminal moraine, also called end moraine, is a moraine that forms at the end of the glacier called the snout. Terminal moraines mark the maximum advance of the glacier.

What is a moraine the piles up beside the glacier called?

lateral moraine

What is a moraine that piles up beside a glacier called?

lateral moraine

What is the moraine that piles up beside the glacier called?

lateral moraine

What is the place where the glacier stopped moving and dropped the rocks and dirt it was carrying called?

It is called a moraine or end moraine.

What forms along the edge of a glacier where till is dropped?

Where till is dropped by a glacier is called a lateral moraine.

The sediment deposited at the edge of a glacier forms a ridge called a?


What is a depression left by a retreating glacier called?

most people say that its called a moraine or it can be respiration but people or just say i prefer to called it a MORAINE. BY HG ;]

What is the term for glacier sediment?

The rock and soil debris accompanying the glacier is moraine. lateral moraine at the sides where avalanches have dropped it, terminal moraine where the glacier finishes, and medial moraine formed from the lateral moraines of two contributory glaciers when they join.

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier called?

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier is called moraine. There are many different types of moraine depending on where the debris is found and deposited.