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Good question. I recently watched a video at YT where a muslim (I think) minister was screaming at all white americans for doing nothing about what happened in Rwanda and other african nations and we should have come to their aide. Well we didn't even know Rwanda was occurring until AFTER it was over. Our tv news is controlled and manipulated by the government. Had we known, what could we do. There are two issues at work here. One is morality, the other is Legality. We americans, white or of any color cannot just walk into Another Country with guns and begin shooting. its that simple. Its illegal. We would all be killed. For those that did know, the UN was called and they said they would handle it and THEY did nothing. Rwanda does not have oil. Libya on the other hand does have oil, so suddenly they say "you can't treat people like that" lololol. They mean you can't hurt the oil like that and they want some of it. The UN protects ONLY nations with oil and ignores all countries without oil. If America needed protection, the UN would not send in any troops to aide us because we and the whole world, used up all our oil a long time ago. We barely have a single well pumping almost anything. Nothing worth the UN's time to protect.

Morality should override all laws but it does not. We might love to jump on a plane (if we even had the money for air fare) and carry with us hundreds of boxes of ammunition and hundreds of rifles to give the victims of those genocides all the help we could. However, we can't fly with mouthwash now days, much less a gun because we might blow up the air plane with mouthwash since it contains alcohol in it. You can't have a can of shaving cream either. You can only have a very tiny bottle of shampoo or we might wash rwanda to death. GEorge bushwacker decided to remove all american rights of this country and ALL human rights of all countries with his patriot act. If we go to any ones aid, we will be arrested, thrown into Gitmo, and kept for life without a phone call and probably water boarded to death. Which is also immoral. So which moral side on any issue can we actually take? do we die for trying to help them or do they die for trying to help themselves? The valley between "wanting to" help and being "able to" help is a very wide crevice. The question really is WHO or WHAT disabled us to begin with. White Americans have been sending aide to african nations for over a century. White Americans helped to end apartheid in South Africa against the white brits who controlled them. We know all about being controlled ourselves as nearly every person of every race and country on this planet earth was at one time or another a slave. German invaded Poland and enslaved them. That's where my family is from. In the 100 years war of england, they were invaded dozens of times by plenty of other white and non white countries and enslaved by them as well. White americans came to america as indentured slaves. Who came to help us? Nobody, we got our stick and our stones and kicked the british butts out of here. Genocide is a part of every political parties agenda. America first adopted the eugenics program even before Hitler did to sterilize any person in america against their will, without parental consent so they could not ever have children because our government decided if you aren't real smart you don't have the right to have children. One of these sterilized young girls grew up to become a doctor. This was practiced until 1978 in America. So we know quite a bit about enslavement, about genocide, and about the ill treatment of any country towards its citizens. As we speak, cops in California are beating OWS protesters with clubs even tho they have not in anyway threatened a single cop, nor yelled at them in anyway. In 1970 this country ordered the murder of protesters at Kent state University, who protested the war. We have the right to protest but if we do they murder us then dare to tell libya not to mistreat it's people. Everyone old enough to remember Kent State Massacre all had a good laugh at Obama saying that to Libya. We know how they really think of humans in this or any country. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

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