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The most accurate way to show earth's continents and bodies of water is by a globe. I know this because our teacher just finish talking to us about it.

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2d ago

The most accurate way to show Earth's continents and bodies of water is by using a map projection that minimizes distortion, such as the Winkel Tripel projection or the Robinson projection. These projections aim to represent the true sizes and shapes of land masses and bodies of water as accurately as possible.

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Q: What is the most accurate way to show Earth's continents and bodies of water?
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What is the accurate shape of a globe allows mapmakers to show earths continents and oceans?

size of island ,continents, and body of water.

How do you show earth's bodies of water and the continents?

One way to show Earth's bodies of water and continents is by using a map. Maps typically use different colors to differentiate between water bodies (blue) and landmasses (various colors for continents). Another way is to use a globe, which provides a 3D representation of the Earth's surface with its water bodies and continents.

How many of the earths continents are surrounded by water?

All seven continents are surrounded by water to some extent.

What are bodies of land and bodies of water on earth called?

Bodies of land are called continents, while bodies of water are called oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams.

How can water hold the continents?

The continents are not floating on water, if that is what you mean. The large bodies of water on the earth's surface fill up some of the spaces between the continents.

What is physical geographic?

continents, mountains, and bodies of water.

Does a globe or map show the size of continents landmasses and bodies of water accurately?

A globe provides a more accurate representation of the size of continents, landmasses, and bodies of water compared to a flat map. Maps distort the size of landmasses as they try to represent a spherical Earth on a flat surface, causing inaccuracies, especially near the poles.

What are the earth's largest bodies called?

The continents are earth's largest bodies of land. The oceans are the Earth's largest bodies of water.

What are earth's largest landmasses and bodies of water called?

Continents. The Earth has 7 continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

What are the large bodies of water surrounding earth's continents called?


What are the large bodies of water and landforms around the world?

Continents and Oceans.

What covers the earths surface?

mostly water. There are some continents on there too though i believe.