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There are hundreds of Moons that are around 10 kilometers or less in diameter. Mainly in orbit around Jupiter or Saturn.

Jupiter's smallest moon is probably S/2003 J 12 or S/2003 J9 at only 1 kilometer in diameter.

Saturn's smallest moon is probably Aegaeon at only 0.5 kilometer in diameter - although it is classified as a moonlet.

If you don't want the moon to be around a planet, the Asteroid IDA (243 IDA) has a tiny moon called Dactyl which is under a kilometer in diameter.

See related for a full list of known moons and their sizes.

Ijiraq one of Saturn's moons is only six miles aCROSS

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13y ago

The tallest mountain in the Universe is Mon Olympus on Mars. You are probably thinking Everest is the highest mountain on Earth. But Mauna Kea is Earth's tallest mountain on Hawaii Island. it is in the water. Everest is the tallest mountain on land.

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14y ago

Due to limitations in observation equipment, the largest mountain in the Milky Way is unknown. However, the highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars, which is 27km(16.7miles) high, and 550km(342miles) wide.

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8y ago

Titan, the largest satellite of the planet Saturn, is believed to be composed of rock and water ice, with liquid hydrocarbons on and under the surface.

Although it is frigid at the surface, it may have a hot core.

It has a dense atmosphere of nitrogen, with some methane and other gases.
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1y ago

The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest, which is located in the Himalayas on the border of Nepal and Tibet. Its summit stands at 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level.

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12y ago

Pluto used to be considered a planet until about 2006. Previously it was unclear what size it was but now we know it is of diameter 2300 km. When of planet-status, that made Pluto the smallest planet in the solar system, smaller than Mercury, Earth's moon and Galileo. Since 2000, many beyond-Pluto spheres have been discovered and called dwarf Planets. Pluto is now a dwarf planet, not a true planet. But still, smallest 'planet' or not, Pluto was never the smallest object in the solar system.

The solar system comprises many moons (64 moons of Jupiter, 4 moons of Pluto itself), billions of (known) asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and billions of (hypothetical) asteroids and comets in the Oort Cloud. The chances of finding a smaller object than Pluto (and indeed the tiniest moons) are very high among the billions and billions of solarsystem-ensnared objects. And then of course there are the rings of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, composed of giant rocks and shards of ice, and grains of sand. The meteor-sized components of the rings may seem impressively astronomical however small (they are meteor-like afterall). But I am afraid the smallest objects are nothing more impressive than the dust-sized grains encircling these planets, dust-sized 'moonlets' in the law of the rings.

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12y ago

The highest mountain and volcano in the solar system is on the planet Mars. It is called Olympus Mons and is 16 miles (24 kilometers) high which makes it about three times higher than Mt. Everest. In addition to being very tall, it is also very wide (340 miles or 550 kilometers) and covers an area larger than the entire chain of Hawaiian islands (or roughly the same base size as the state of Arizona). Olympus Mons is a very flat mountain which slopes by only 2 to 5 degrees. It is a shield volcano built up by eruptions of lava.
mount olyumpus ...........................

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12y ago

One of Saturn's major moons is called Titan. It is extremely cold and has frozen lakes all over it. It is one of the many moons orbiting Saturn. Two other major moons for Saturn is Dione, and Rhea. i don't know much about these so i guess you will have to do the rest. hope that helps!

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12y ago

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon of the solar system. It is larger than the planets of Mercury and Pluto (well Pluto isn't really a planet anymore).It is one of three Solar System moons with atmosphere.It is a sphere of rock and ice surrounded by a thick mantle of nitrogen.

It is also "special" because Titan may be able to support life, life that would be able to survive on methane based products rather than water based products. Earth is said to have been like Titan at the beginning before it changed and could support life form, like us.

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13y ago

On Earth, the tallest is Mount Everest.

In water, the tallest is Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano in Hawai'i. Measuring from the base, Mauna Kea is a little over 3,000 feet higher than Everest.

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