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Q: What is the most common baby room color?
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What is the most common color used in a baby's room?

blue for boy pink for girl

What is the color of the room your in?

the colour is baby blue

Best color for baby room?

The best color for a baby room is whatever you think is a good color. Most people choose pastel colors for a baby's things, even if they don't choose the traditional pink for girls or blue for boys. Some people choose bright primary colors and paint designs or pictures on the walls.

Is baby blue a feminine color?

No... My bro's room is baby blue, new born boys always have baby blue blankets, Justin Bieber's favorite color is baby blue (and purple)

Most common state at room temperature for metal?

Most metals at room temperature are solids

What is the best color for a teenage room?

Mostly guys like blue, red, purple,green,or black fr their room color. girls like baby blue,pink,violet,turtoise,aqua,or yellow.

What is the most common gas in a room?

nitrogen and oxygen

What is the purpose of a baby humidifier?

A Bionaire humidifier can have quite a number of various purposes. Their primary purpose and most common use is to increase the humidity in a single room of a house, or in the entire house.

How do you room in Spanish?

Room can be "dormitorio" related to "dormir, to sleep" or "cuarto" (the most common choice) or "habitación" if it's in a hotel. "Alcoba" is less common, but is also "room."

How does the setting most affect Ruth's ideas about having a baby A. She worries because the family will soon be forced out of their new house. B. She worries because she does not want to bring a baby?

She worries because there is no room for a baby in the small apartment.

Should I match the duvet color to the color of the bedskirt?

This is really up to the user. If you would like to try more colors, get a duvet that mtches the main color in the room and then get the bedskirt in the color of the next most used color in the room, or a neutral, like white.