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The most common element in the Earth's Crust is: Iron 33%

Atmosphere: Oxygen 85%

Ocean: Oxygen 65%

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What element makes up the largest percentage of the atmosphere?

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nitrogen oxygen argon hydrogen and helium

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Nitrogen and Oxygen

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Q: What is the most common element in the earth's crust atmosphere ocean?
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What element takes up the largest part of the earths crust as well as a part of the atmosphere?

Hydrogen I believe

Most common element on earth after oxygen?

depends if you're talking about in the earths crust, in water or in the human boby. In us, carbon comes second. In the water, hydrogen. In the atmosphere ther is actually way more nitrogen than there is oxygen.

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What element is most abundant in the earths crust atmosphere and oceans?

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That element is Oxygen by 46.6%

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The Earth's crust contains eight elements. The most common element among the eight is Oxygen (47 percent) and second is Silicon (28 percent).

What is the less common element on earth?

The rarest element on earth is astatine and it is located in the earths crust. Astatine's availability is said to be less than a gram in weight.

Which is the second most abundant element in the earths crust?

The second most abundant element in the Earth's crust is silicon, comprising 27.8% of the crust by mass.

What is the fifth most abundant element in the earths crust?

calcium is!

What element is in the boron family and is in earths crust?

Aluminum :D