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Staphylcoccus pneumoniae

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Q: What is the most common form of infectious pneumonia which often cases empyema?
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What organisms cause empyema?

S. aureus is the most common cause in all age groups, accounting for 90% of cases of empyema in infants and children

Are pneumonia influenza tuberculosis and polio infectious diseases?

Pneumonia is a condition of the lungs where they become filled with fluid. Not all cases are passed on from one person to another nor are all cases caused by a virus or bacteria. TB, influenza and polio are considered to be infectious.

What is the prognosis for Empyema?

The prognosis for recovery is generally good, except in those cases with complications, such as a brain abscess or blood poisoning, or cases caused by certain types of streptococci

Who holds the world record for the most cases of pneumonia?

There is no official world record for the most cases of pneumonia as it is not a record that is commonly tracked or recognized. Additionally, having multiple cases of pneumonia can be a serious health concern that requires medical attention.

Can pneumonia scar your lungs?

In some cases, it is possible.

Is pneumonia unicellular or Multicellular?

Pneumonia is an illness (inflammation of the lung) and can have a number of potential causes. Most common are infections by viruses (e.g. influenza virus or adenovirus) or bacteria (e.g. Streptococcus pneumoniae). These are unicellular organisms. However in some cases pneumonia can be caused by parasites like the hookworm. These are multicellular.

What are short-term complications of an organ transplant?

pneumonia and other infectious diseases; excessive bleeding; and liver disorders caused by blocked blood vessels. In addition, the new organ may be rejected

What are facts about pneumonia?

- More Children die of Pneumonia that any other illness. - The Mycoplasmic Pneumonia is also known as the Walking Pneumonia - About 2 million cases of Pneumonia are reported in USA each year - 40 to 70 thousand of those people die of it each year.

If treated for double pneumonia instead of staff pneumonia what will be the outcome?

Double pneumonia does not identify which kind of pneumonia you have or which pathogen is the cause -- it is only identifying that you have it bilaterally, or in both lungs. Staph pneumonia identifies the actually pathogen causing the infection, Staphlococcus aureus, which is a very virulent pathogen. Staph pneumonia can be deadly if not treated properly. It may be helpful if you understand that there are many different forms of pneumonia, and that being diagnosed with "pneumonia" itself isn't a death sentence by any means -- it simply means you have inflammation and fluid in the lungs. This inflammation and fluid can be caused by a virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite, and sometimes is just caused by damage to lung tissue without any infectious origin at all. In most cases, pneumonia will clear up with antibiotic therapy, and the people with the highest risk of dying from the disease are very young children, elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.

How can infectious arthritis be prevented?

Some cases of infectious arthritis are preventable by lifestyle choices. These include avoidance of self-injected drugs; sexual abstinence or monogamous relationships; and prompt testing and treatment for suspected cases of gonorrhea.

What does pnuyemonia mean?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lung that can be caused by nearly any class of organism known to cause human infections. These include bacteria, amoebae, viruses, fungi, and parasites. In the United States, pneumonia is the sixth most common disease leading to death; 2 million Americans develop pneumonia each year, and 40,000-70,000 die from it. Pneumonia is also the most common fatal infection acquired by already hospitalized patients. In developing countries, pneumonia ties with diarrhea as the most common cause of death. Even in nonfatal cases, pneumonia is a significant economic burden on the health care system. One study estimates that people in the American workforce who develop pneumonia cost employers five times as much in health care as the average worker.

Is there any cases in the US that have gotten Pneumonia?

Yes there has been in the state of illionios