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Q: What is the most common injury caused by the flu?
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Will workman's comp pay for an injury caused by the flu shot?

No, workman's comp will only pay for injuries that were caused by a job or duty you were supposed to complete while at work. A flu shot is something that you chose to do and has nothing to do with work.

How do you catch pleurisy?

usually you have flu or some sort of chest infection to start with. that can develop into pleurisy. it can also be caused by an injury.

Are colds and the flu from the same virus?

No, they are different viruses and different types of viruses. Most common colds are caused by either the rhinoviruses or coronaviruses (but there are over 200 kinds of viruses that cause the common cold). Influenza is also caused by too many influenza viruses to name them all, but they are in the taxonomic family of viruses called orthomyxoviridae. Human influenza refers to one of the three major types of flu viruses ( Influenza types A,B, and C) that are endemic to the human population. If you mean the "stomach flu" (which is more appropriately called viral gastroenteritis), then it, too, is caused by different viruses; most common is norovirus (aka Norwalk Flu).

What is the most common type of flu?


Can you have the flu without vomiting and diarrhea?

If you have influenza caused by the influenza viruses (affects the respiratory system), then you might have vomiting and diarrhea but they are not typical symptoms of influenza. It was a common symptom in some people who had the 2009 pandemic swine flu H1N1. But it usually is not common with most influenza viruses. It can occur due to a related problem such as dehydration, but not usually directly due to the virus in most bouts of the respiratory flu. If you are talking about the "stomach flu", which is really not the flu and is just called that by tradition, then it would involve diarrhea but may or may not have associated nausea or vomiting. All three, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are the most common symptoms of gastroenteritis. Stomach flu is not a real medical diagnosis, though. We now know that this problem with vomiting and diarrhea and mild flu symptoms of mild fever, fatigue, aches and pains that we have called stomach flu, is actually gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines) and can be caused by bacteria or viruses. The most common cause of gastroenteritis in the US is the Norovirus. This is known also as the Norwalk Flu.

What are the most common symptoms of flu?

There are many symptoms of the flu. The most common symptoms of the flu include a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, coughing, a sore throat, a runny nose, fatigue, nausea, and chills.

Is the flu a bacteria?

No, the flu is caused by a virus.

What are the most common germs found in schools?

mostly the flu:)

Is flu a pathogen?

Flu is caused by a pathogen (by viruses) but is not the pathogen itself, flu is the disease the pathogen causes. Flu is short for influenza which is an infectious disease of the respiratory system caused by influenza viruses.

Is Swine Flu bacterial or viral?

I'm Pretty sure it's a virus but then again you can spread the flu by sneezing and things like that so I'm not sure By a Year 6 student

Which of these is caused by a virus flu warts mumps?

The flu, warts and mumps are all caused by different viruses. The flu is caused by any of the influenza viruses, warts are caused by certain strains of human papillomavirus, and mumps are caused by the mumps virus.

What is influenza type A?

influenza type A is the most common and dangerous of all the types of this virus. it has caused many medical panics in history.