

What is the most common muscle injuries?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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Most likely ankle sprains.

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Q: What is the most common muscle injuries?
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The most common dance injuries are ankles and leg injuries

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A muscle injury resulting from overuse or overstretching?

Strains are common muscle injuries caused by overuse or overstretching.

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Clenched fist injuries are most common over the metacarpo phalangeal joint

Describe the physiological and psychological responses common to most sports injuries?

Physiologically, sports injuries typically result in inflammation, swelling, and pain at the site of injury. These can trigger a stress response in the body, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Psychologically, athletes may experience feelings of frustration, anger, or anxiety due to the impact of the injury on their performance and goals. Additionally, the fear of re-injury or uncertainty about when they can return to play can also affect their mental well-being.

What are the injuries that is related to dance?

You can have hip injuries when you pull a muscle by rotating your hips. Also back injury if you do not properly stretch or force your back to move in a way where it is not flexible. The most common injury is probably a pulled muscle witch you can relieve by aplying heat to loosen the muscle. then stretch it out carefully a little bit at a time.

When are muscle injuries most likely to occur?

when you lead an inactive lifestyle

When are muscle injuries most likely occur?

when you lead an inactive lifestyle

What is the most common repetitive strain injury among athletes?

Strained lower back injuries are extremely common among athletes. This is the reason why core muscle training for your stomach and back are extremely important.

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What injuries do cricketers suffer during the game?

Cricketers sufferAnkle injuries from rapid in and out movement .Wrist injuries from too much weight of the bat and the added strain of swinging , which gives painful cramps.Triceps strain from too rapid or too swift muscle contraction.Collar bone dislocation from too rapid muscle movement from the arms. This is the most common injury inflicted from this game .