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Q: What is the most common source of erosion in the high elevations of the Swiss Alps?
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What is the most common source of erosion in the Swiss alps?

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How has the Swiss alps been changed?

The Swiss Alps have changed because of tourism, erosion and climate change melts the ice.

Is Zimmerman a Swiss name?

Zimmerman is a German surname, not Swiss. It means "carpenter" in German and is a common surname in German-speaking countries.

Is Swiss cheese capitalized?

Yes, only the proper name "Swiss" is capitalized; cheese is a common noun.

What are common Swiss artifacts?

Common Swiss artifacts include traditional wooden carvings such as cowbells and cuckoo clocks, as well as embroidered textiles like Heidi dresses and Appenzell lace. Swiss chocolate and Swiss army knives are also iconic artifacts that are popular worldwide.

What Swiss cheese is soft?

Tomme is the most common soft Swiss cheese. Brie-type soft cheeses are also made in Switzerland.

When Victorinox acquired Wenger in 2005 it became the sole official source of what product?

Swiss Army Knives

What is the common noun for Evelyn singer?

Examples of common nouns for the proper noun 'Evelyn' (Swiss recording artist) are:humanwomanadultpersonsingersongwriter

What does suisse mean in english?

La Suisse (feminine, proper noun) is Switzerland. Suisse (adjective) is the related adjective meaning Swiss. Suisse (masculine common noun) and Suissesse (feminine, common noun) are the names of the Swiss people.

Where is cheese imported from?

Swiss cheese is the common name for the Swiss-made Emmentaler cheese, which is exported pretty well all over the world. As well, Swiss-style cheeses, known as Swiss Cheese, are made in several countries.

What does claudia mean in Swiss?

There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.

Would you please use nutrition in a sentence?

Swiss chard is an often overlooked garden green that is an excellent source of nutrition.