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Q: What is the most common torture?
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What was the most common form of torture used on Jews?


What torcher was used on the Jews?

there were many types of torture, the most common was medical torture. they were used as "guinea pigs" for experiments.

What was the most common form of medieval torture?

You would get put in the stocks or you would get hung.

What are three experiences that Jew's had in concentration camps?

torture, lack of sanitation, and hunger answer 2 -- and the most common 'death'

What Indian tribes used torture the most?


When did medieval torture stop?

Because it was during the Inquisition when criminals were heavily tortured and so the most common ways to torture or execute criminals during the Inquisition was by Burning at the Stake, using The Wheel Torture or using the Head Vice. Later on, when the average peasant took fear to this torture, crimes lowered quickly.

Does torture bring health problems?

Most forms of torture require intense bodily harm and often result in health problems.

How do you say torture in Latin?

Torture = Tormentum (noun) Torture = Torquere (verb, 'to torture')

What are the 5 crimes the rat torture was used to punish?

Rats were used because they were cheap, easy to get, and around, but nothing lists why or where they were used. The most common tortures in the middle ages had various devices such as the rack, scavengers daughter, the scolds bridle, ducking stool, torture by dislocation, iron balls, water torture, boot torture branding and burning including being burned at the stake, execution by quartering, execution by the wheel, hanging and being hung, drawn and quartered. I think that these were probably enough.

What is a sentence for the word torture?

Homework on a subject you enjoy can be pleasant; homework on a subject you find too difficult can be torture. Since he discovered he was allergic to chocolate, watching someone eating chocolate cake is torture for him. The pain she experienced from her injury was torture until the paramedics gave her quick pain relief. Torture as a means of interrogating people is illegal in most civilized countries.

What was the most horrifying aspect of the Bush administration?

Torture and lying about torture. Although starting a war against a nation that posed no threat to us runs a close second.

What was Harry Houdini's most famous illusion's?

the Chinese Water Torture Cell