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It is difficult to pinpoint the most corrupt country in the Caribbean as corruption levels can vary widely across the region. However, some countries, such as Haiti and Venezuela, have been consistently ranked as highly corrupt in global corruption perception indexes.

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Q: What is the most corrupt country in the Caribbean?
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What is the most corrupt country in europe?

Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries based on perceived levels of corruption. In Europe, countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Serbia have been consistently ranked as having high levels of corruption.

Is India the most corrupt country in the World?

No, India is not the most corrupt country in the world. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries based on perceived levels of public sector corruption, and India's ranking has improved in recent years. While corruption remains a challenge in India, there are other countries that fare worse in terms of corruption.

Which country is most corrupt in Africa?

According to the 2008 CPI, Somalia is the most corrupt nation in Africa and in the world. (To the answer above mine) It's either that, Sudan, or Libya.

What is the most corrupt country in Africa and why?

Corruption levels vary across Africa, making it difficult to pinpoint one single most corrupt country. Countries like Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan have been consistently ranked as some of the most corrupt due to factors such as weak governance, lack of accountability, and ongoing conflicts that create conducive environments for corruption to thrive.

Is the us the most corrupt dishonest country in the world?

Every country has its own level of corruption and dishonesty, making it difficult to definitively label one as the "most" corrupt. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries based on perceptions of corruption, which can help provide some perspective on the issue globally.

Related questions

What is the most corrupt country?

The most corrupt country in the world is Somalia.Pakistan

Which country is the most corrupt country in Africa?

Nigeria is the second most corrupt country

Worlds most corrupt country?

the most corrupt country in the world is Pakistan.

Is India corrupt?

yes india is corrupt , but its not most corrupt country,

Which is world's most corrupt country?

Pakistan is the world's most corrupt country as per the latest report

Corrupt country in Asia?

Pakistan is often considered Asia's most corrupt country.

Is India the most corrupt country?

No. India is far behind in corruption, while compared to it's neighbouring countries. Still, most of the Indians are feeling that their country is the most corrupt country.

Which country is on the top position in corrupt country?

According to Transparency International Somalia is the most corrupt county in the world.

Most corrupt country in asia?


Most corrupt Asian country?

Surely that would be North Korea - they prop their inefficient government system up with counterfeiting money and drug sales. According to The Asia Foundation the Philippines was deemed Asia'a most corrupt country The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) states that Burma (Myanmar) is the most corrupt Asian country, also the 2nd most corrupt country in the world.

Where does India stnad in corruption?

India is the 95th least corrupt country, or the 101st most corrupt country. This is moderately high on the scale.

What is most corrupt country?

An answer to that would be an opinion: mine is Somalia.