

What is the most dangerous animal ever?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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the top 10 most deadly animals in order

1. Poison Dart Frog

2.Cape Buffalo

3.Polar Bear


5.Australian Saltwater Crocodile

6.African Lion

7.Great White Shark

8.Australian Box Jellyfish

9.Asian Cobra

10.African Mosquito

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13y ago
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6y ago

The deadliest animal in the world is the chironex fleckeri, wich is one of the 19 species of the Box Jellyfish. The venom of the Chironex can kill 60 full grown men and can stop a human heart in 60 seconds.
The mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth because it carries diseases such as malaria. Malaria Kills around 781,000 people each year and there are approximately 225 million cases of malaria each year. They can also carry the more unknown virus's for yellow fever and dengue fever.

In terms of animals killed, it is a human. In terms of humans killed, it is the mosquito.

there is no deadliest animal, there are deadly animals around the world but there is not 1 animal that is the most deadliest of all, is want to know all or most of the deadliest animals and or insects watch the Australian show " Deadly 60 " on ABC 3, it will show you deadly creatures around the world, but they do not rank any animals deadlier than others. What they do do is rank their speed, there deadly rating and size. Done BY TIFF!!
The most deadliest animals in the world would have to be...


1. Elephant

African Elephants, with their sharp tusks, are not as friendly as many believe. They kill over 500 people per year (either by stomping or impaling). The African elephant generally weighs in at 16 tons.

2. Polar Bear

These massive creatures, native to the Arctic, regularly eat elephant seals and could cut off a human head with one swipe of its paw. The Polar Bear is the most carnivorous of all the Bears and will eat walruses, whales, reindeer, and even other polar bears.

3. Cape Buffalos

Cape buffalos weigh 1.5 tons and, when faced by danger, attack head on with razor sharp horns. They stand up to 1.7 metres high and 2.8 metres long. Humans are virtually its only predator and even lions will avoid crossing their path. Every year the Cape Buffalo is known to maul and kill multiple humans; some believe that it kills more humans in Africa every year than any other creature.

4. Poison Dart Frog

The backs of the poison dart frog ooze a slimy neurotoxin that is meant to keep predators away. Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans, though, strangely, in captivity, the frogs do not secrete this poison. The frogs are brilliantly coloured and live mainly in Central and South America.

5. African Lion

The African Lion can reach up to half a ton. Lions are thought to kill up to 70 humans per year in Tanzania. These large animals are eclipsed in size only slightly by the tiger.


1. The Mosquito

Due to malaria carrying parasites transferred by the mosquito, it is responsible for the deaths of more than two million people per year. In addition, Mosquitos are estimated to transfer diseases to more than 70 million people per year. Even in countries such as the UK, New Zealand, and Japan, where the more temperate climate has reduced mosquito bites to mostly an annoyance, they still cause some deaths every year.

2. Asian Cobra

While the Asian cobra does not have the deadliest venom, it does make the most of what it has, causing the largest chunk of the 50 thousand deaths by snakebite per year. An average cobra is about 1 metre in length.

3. Box Jelly Fish

Also known as the wasp jellyfish, this salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles as long as 15 feet. Each tentacle has enough toxin to kill 50 humans. They are found in Australia, the Philippines, and many other tropical areas. Since 1884 at least 5,567 deaths have been attributed to these creatures.

4. Great White Shark

This shark is an exceptionally large shark found in coastal waters in all major oceans. It can reach lengths of up to 6 metres and can weigh up to 5 tons. The Great White Shark is the worlds largest known predatory fish. It is the only surviving species of its genus. In general these creatures do not attack humans, and (while there have been some fatalities) the majority of attacks on humans are believed to be test bites -- the Great White Shark are known to test bite other objects in order to determine what they are. More people are killed each year in the US by dogs than Great White Sharks in the last 100 years.

5. Saltwater Crocodile

This is the largest of all living reptiles and is found mainly in Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. A healthy adult is typically 4.8 -- 7 metres (15.75ft -- 21ft) long, weighing up to 1.6 tons. There have been reports of larger. This creature is capable of killing and eating animals up tot he size of a water buffalo. In its most deadly attack (called the Death Roll) the crocodile grabs an animal or human with its mouth and begins to roll. A 1ton stallion is known to have been killed by this method in under 1 minute. In the water, the crocodile can move as fast as a dolphin.
Hippopotomus is the deadliest mammal.

As far as animals are concerned though (all mammals included) it is tight between the wandering spider (or banana spider) and the cobra, both are highly dangerous. So is the box jellyfish, lionfish and thorny sea star.
As the "top of the food chain" it would HAVE to be humans as we've wiped out more species than any other species has been known to wipe out.
Well as far is I know the worlds deadliest animal is a reptile and i believe it is the king cobra! Or possible the second one would be the Crocodile.
Humans, by far.
the most deadly animal on earth is the GOLDEN POISON DART FROG.

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6y ago

Most of the deadly animals on Earth roam in Tropical Forests.

  1. shark
  2. alligator
  3. crocodile
  4. scorpion
  5. tiger
  6. lion
  7. Komodo dragons
  8. snakes

For starters, these animals will not attack you if they're not starving or you threaten them. Also, snakes can be non-threatening so you shouldn't just say all snakes are dangerous. A dog could be just as dangerous as a crocodile or a shark. Just depends on the animal. Think before saying these animals are dangerous. Also, not just the tropics have potentially deadly animals. Mountain lions are potentially deadly and live in MOUNTAINS! All animals can be harmful, including us humans.

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14y ago

Mosquito's are one of the deadliest animals in the world. They suck blood from other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease vectors known to humans . They kill millions by disease every year.

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