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The Truth when he realized the falsehood & untruths in life.


the other sex

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Q: What is the most difficult things for humans to realize?
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Hair follicle mites are so small that most humans don't even realize they have them.

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Most humans hurt other humans when they get mad. They could get into a fist fight,shoot a gun, and do many other things.

What is the most difficult food for humans to digest?

Bread,beans,broccoli,whole-milk hard cheese.

Are trees the most important things to humans?

No no no no no no nomaybe maybe maybeno no no no no no no

What does the word flosis mean?

When you are flossing you realize it is one of the most boring things you do in your life so you get really sad.

What is the most difficult mathematics?

It is not possible to answer this question because people find different things easy or difficult. What you find easy I might find difficult, and conversely.

How do humans make simple decisions?

Humans can make simple decisions if they use common sense. Most humans make simple decisions into difficult decisions or make something harder than it really is.