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Quasars have a large black hole, called a "supermassive black hole". The term "supermassive black hole" simply means that it has millions or even billions of solar masses.

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Q: What is the most distant black hole in center of a quasar cal led as?
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What is at center of a quasar?

A Supermassive black hole .

What is a quasar and what does it have to do with a black hole?

A quasar is a galaxy that is radiating massive amount of radioactive energy. A quasar MAY have a black hole at it's center. A black hole is just dead star that collapsed in on itself.

What can be found in the center of a quasar?

A big black hole.

How does a quasar work?

A quasar is believed to have a supermassive black hole at its center. The radiation is emitted outside the black hole's event horizon - from matter that is falling into the black hole.

Is a quasar a type of galaxy?

No. A Quasar is a Black hole in center of some Galaxies. I think our Galaxy has one of them.

Is a quasar a galaxy with a super-massive black hole in its center?

Yes, a quasar is a galaxy with a super-massive black hole in its center. The hole being invisible, all light vanishing from the great gravity. The quasar itself, among the brightest, most luminous objects in the universe, is being powered by an accretion disc around the black hole.

In what constellation is the center of the galaxy?

Not "the" quasar, but "a" quasar - there are many. A quasar is associated with a supermassive black hole, and those are generally at the center of galaxies.

What is the distant galaxy with a black hole in the middle?

ALL larger galaxies have a black hole in their center.

What is the difference between a black hole and a quasar?

A quasar is a galaxy the gives off huge amounts of radiation, sometimes having a black hole at it's center. A black hole is a dead star that was big enough to "curl back in itself, like a snake eating it's tail."1 Or picking oneself up and carrying yourself by your bootstraps.One is a single star, one is a galaxy.(1 my words)

What is bigger a quasar or a supermassive black hole?

The quasar is bigger. A quasar is a disk of superheated matter that surrounds a supermassive black hole. The mass of the black hole may be greater than that of the disk, but it is compacted into a smaller space.

What is a young galaxy with a giant black hole in the center called?


Is quasar a feature of the sun?

No. A quasar is an object observed in some distant galaxies believed to be a supermassive black hole, millions to billions of times the mass of the sun, feeding on superheated matter. A quasar is many times more powerful than the sun.