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Eris is the most distant planet from the sun. Eris is roughly 96.4 AU from the sun and three times smaller than Pluto.

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Q: What is the most distant dwarf planet that orbiting the sun?
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The outer most planet is?

Most say Neptune. Pluto isn't a planet, but counting dwarf planets, Eres. A little dwarf planet far beyond the reach of the sun, but still orbiting the sun.

What is the planet that has the most orbiting it?

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No. It was categorised as a dwarf planet in 2006, but not all astronomers agree with that decision.

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The most recent dwarf planet discovered was Makemake, on March 31, 2005. The most recent planet accepted into the category of dwarf planet was Haumea, on September 17, 2008.

What is definition for Pluto?

Pluto is the largest object in the Kuiper belt, and the tenth-most-massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun. It is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet, after Eris.

Is there moons floating around the universe belonging to no planet?

technically if a object like a moon is not orbiting a planet then its not a moon. But a dwarf planet i think. we got some of theese in our solar system, i think Pluto is the most famous one. Ceres is an other example.

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The planet Uranus

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What is the smallest planet in the universe?

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. We probably won't ever detect any other planets of that size orbiting other stars because they are just so small. We may be able to detect perturbations of a star with a small orbiting planet, but we most likely won't be able to get a very accurate measurement of the actual size

Which planet is the futhest from the sun?

Well, just a correction, but the superlative of far is furthest not "furtherest". Anyways. The furthest planet from the Sun is Neptune. After that is Pluto, a former planet, now known as a "dwarf planet". In order, the planets from the Sun are: # Mercury # Venus # Earth # Mars # Jupiter # Saturn # Uranus # Neptune # *Pluto So, presently, the planet furthest from the Sun is Neptune.

Is Pluto inner or outer?

outer . because it is outer space. Pluto is the former nineth (and furthest from the sun) planet in the solar system. It was recently demoted to dwarf planet and is the most know object in the Kuiper Belt.