

Best Answer

The best diet to lower blood pressure is to eat food such as honey nut cheerios its good and healthy. Another food is Oatmeal Squares its healthy and delicious.

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Q: What is the most effective diet to lower blood pressure?
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Does drinking diet Pepsi lower your blood pressure?

No. You lower blood pressure by proper diet and exercise. Some people take medication to lower their blood pressure.

What are some of the ways to reduce blood pressure?

* Exercise regularly * Cut out excess salt from your diet * Cut down alcohol intake * Stop smoking * Cut out saturated fats.

What are tips for lower blood pressure?

One of the best ways to lower your blood level is to reduce your sodium intake.Studies have shown that reducing the amount sodium in your diet can lower your blood pressure.

What is an effective high blood pressure diet?

There are a lot of different food that can help lower high blood pressure including milk, oatmeal, blueberries and even a bit of dark chocolate just to name a few things.

How do you immediately lower blood pressure?

A balanced diet and regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure.

How can I lower my blood pressure by watching my diet?

If you are looking for more infomration on How can I lower my blood pressure by watching my diet, the best place to look for the information is on

Will changing my diet help me lower my blood pressure?

Any diet that lowers your salt intake will drastically effect your blood pressure reading. Also, by losing anymore than 10 pounds you will lower this reading as well.

Where do I need to go to find out more about high blood pressure diet?

To learn more about dieting with high blood pressure, see your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe the best diet for your needs, which in turn, the diet should help lower your blood pressure to a healthy level.

Can you lower your blood pressure at no cost or medication?

Yes! There are many factors which you have control over which influence blood pressure. These include your diet, your activity level, and your stress level.* Lowering your stress level will lower your blood pressure if it is too high, as stress is one of the major causes of high blood pressure.* A diet too high in salt, refined carbs, or with excessive caffeine or alcohol can cause high blood pressure. Eating a well-balanced diet, low in salt, sugar, and refined carbs, and rich in fish, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables, can help lower your blood pressure.* Regular aerobic exercise is very effective at lowering your blood pressure, and is also very beneficial to your overall health.* Herbal remedies are not free, but they can be inexpensive and are generally much safer than prescription medication. Hibiscus tea is one herbal remedy that has strong scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness for lowering blood pressure.By taking multiple approaches, you will be more effective at lowering your blood pressure!

Where can I buy blood pressure supplements?

If changes to your diet and exercise routines have not helped to lower your blood pressure, you may have hypertension. You should see a doctor for blood pressure medication.

What is the best diet to lower the blood pressure?

There are several foods that have been shown to lower your blood pressure that you could try. Those are garlic,pomegranate,dark chocolate, bananas,kiwi, beans of all kinds, tomatos, and fish have all been shown to help lower your blood pressure.

What can you do to bring a very high blood pressure down?

In order to lower blood pressure, proper diet and exercise is key. Someone with high blood pressure should cut fatty, sugary foods out of their diet completely. By adding exercise, their body is becoming healthier, thus helping lower their blood pressure.