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If you are able to stomach it, then the answer is human. That is right, human. It will cost you between 20 and 30 Thousand dollars a pair, but it is THE last word on exclusivity.

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Q: What is the most expensive animal skin to make cowboy boots out of?
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Related questions

How do you make cowboy boots not make noise?

Cowboy boots do not make noise when you are walking on loose sandy soil, which is what they are designed for. Walking on a hard surface they will always make noise, nothing can be done about this.

Are cowboy boots comfortable to run in?

Cowboy boots if proberly fitted can be comfortable for everyday wear. When purchasing a pair of cowboy boots make sure to measure your feet as well as the shape of your toes. If your toes have more of a boxy shape cowboy boots may not be good for everyday wear because of the pointy shape of the boots. Also you should mesasure the depth and heel height of your feet.

What make were mr. blonde's cowboy boots in reservoir dogs?

Lucchese boots. The design on the boot gives it away when he pulls the straight razor.

Where can I buy authentic vintage cowboy boots online?

You can buy vintage cowboy boots on ebay. Just be sure that the listing is by a reputable seller and the photos clearly show whether they are authentic or not. Make sure the listing specifically states that they are authentic.

How do you make a purse from old cowboy boots?

Take an old pair of cowboy boots, cut the tops off. Then cut a straight line in the back, so it opens up. Do that with the other boot also, then sew them together. Or look at, they have the best prices for these.

What boots are good for ranged on runescape?

Some real nice boots, (If you got the cash), would be ranger boots. They are real expensive so make sure you know how to make cash. P.S- Ranged boots require 40 Ranged. M3rch.

Can you make cowboy boots from salmon skin?

Yes, if you can find prepared, tanned salmon skin. To make anything of any animal, bird, reptile hide, the skin needs to be prepared or tanned. So, to make anything of salmon skin, or other than food, you need someone to prepare them in a tanning process.

What is the best way to clean cowboy boots?

To make it simple just clean them regularly so that the dirt can come off just with a wet cloth.

How do you make a country-girl outfit?

plaid shirt tied at the front, braids, jean shorts with a belt, the belt could have a fancy buckle, and cowboy boots

Do any companies make vegan boots that are like uggs but not made out of animal?

uggs are not made of animal anyway just get normal uggs

Do they kill animals to make ugg boots?

Uggs are sheepskin boots, of course the sheep are killed before they are skinned.

Why they use lemon wood pegs to make cowboy boots?

Lemonwood pegs are used because they lock the insole and the outsole together to ensure that the steel shank will never twist.