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The Lunar Rover. original estimate to biuld four of them was 19 million dollars. Final cost was actually 38 million... about 200 million in todays money. so about 50 million dollars per vehicle!

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Q: What is the most expensive four wheel drive?
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Is four-wheel-drive the same as all-wheel-drive?

Yes, assuming the car has four wheels, four-wheel-drive is the same thing as all-wheel-drive. Not always, four wheel drive provides a positive lock between the front and rear axles. All wheel drive has a differential between them most of the time.

What would make the 4-wheel drive not work on a2002 Chevy Tracker?

There are literally 100 different things that can cause your four-wheel-drive not to work. The most common cause is a disconnected wire on the four-wheel-drive selector switch.

Which is better for driving in snow front wheel drive or 4 wheel drive?

4 Wheel drive is better. It gives more road surface selection to get the most traction four wheel drive because 4 is better than 2 hands down but front wheel drive is better than rear wheel drive

What is the best four wheel drive?

Subaru currently has the most advanced AWD system.

What makes a 4 wheel drive truck different?

A 4 wheel drive truck (4x4) is most often associated with "off-road" vehicles but also have many benefits on typical driving surfaces. Unlike two wheel drive trucks (4x2) where the engine only powers two of the four wheels, four wheel drive trucks have all four wheels powered by the engine.

What is the difference between four wheel drive and all wheel drive?

As it turns out, "all-wheel drive" refers to vehicles that have permanently engaged or automatically engaging four-wheel-drive capability. "Four-wheel drive" implies the vehicle has manually engaging, temporary four-wheel drive. Your confusion is justified -- the auto industry, in their infinite wisdom, created these seemingly interchangeable terms. The major difference is that most "true" four-wheel-drive vehicles also have a "transfer case" that can provide both a "high range" and a "low range" gear ratio from the engine to the wheels. High is used for slippery conditions on the road, while low is exclusively for off-road use.

4 wheel drive light stays on in 2 wheel drive on 96 Isuzu rodeo?

The four wheel drive light is most Likely staying on when your Isuzu Rodeo is in two wheel drive because of a bad sensor. A licensed auto technician would be able to replace this for you.

How do you drive in four wheel drive?

For the most part and under normal highway driving, driving in 4x4 is just like driving in 2 wheel drive. When things get slippery or the surface more uneven you get added traction and grip on the road. Keep in mind that although traction is improved in four wheel drive, braking does not improve.

Do vans have four wheel drive?

Most of them actually have front wheel drive, but more and more new ones are coming with all wheel drive (not necessarily quite the same thing as 4 wheel drive or 4X4). Some people also like to customize their vans and retrofit them with 4X4 chassis.

Are dodge grand caravans rear wheel drive?

No, most are front wheel drive, some are all wheel drive.

How do you know if the four wheel drive is on or off?

There should be a lamp on the dashboard with something like 4 wheels and lines between them, when you turn on/off your AWD, this lamp should be on or off. Other systems show this kind of information on display. Anyway most of the cars are permanently AWD, FWD or RWD.

How much will a top of the line case tractor cost?

The Steiger 550 four wheel drive tractor- quadratac scraper is one of the most powerful and efficient tractors on the market today. It's also one of the most expensive coming in at a little more than $450,000.