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Q: What is the most explosive form of magma referred as?
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What type of magma do highly explosive volcanoes have?

Many have rhyolitic magma, which is high in silica. Magma with higher viscosity and higher gas content is the most explosive when released.

Which set of magma conditions produces the most explosive eruptions?

Magma is a hot fluid from deep within the Earth's crust. The set of magma conditions that produce the most explosive eruptions are high viscosity and the presence of dissolved gases.

Does water vapor affect how explosive a volcano is?

Yes. More gas trapped in magma leads to a more explosive eruption. Water vapor is the most abundant gas in magma.

Which types of magma are most likely to result in an explosive eruptions and why?

poopy blows it up

What type of magma is the most powerful when it comes unleashing very explosive volcanic eruptions?


What type of magma is the most powerful when it comes to unleashing very explosive volcanic eruption?


What type of magma will produce explosive eruptions?

Felsic magmas that are high in silica content and are highly viscous produce explosive eruptions.

How hot does magma have to be to explode?

The explosive potential of magma depends more on viscosity gas content than on temperature. Most magmas are at temperature of at least 700 degrees Celcius. Interestingly, the most explosive magmas are the high-silica magmas, which have lower melting temperatures.

How do differences in magma affect volcanic eruptions?

If the magma has a high water content, then the volcano will most likely have an explosive eruption. Also, vocanoes can have explosive eruptions if the magma contains a large percentage of silica. Hope this helps!

If basalt is in lava is the volcano explosive?

No. The more basalt the quieter the eruption. Basalt is deep deep material, from down where there are few volatiles to make lava explosive.

What is the melted material beneath the Earth's surface?

This material is most often referred to as magma.

Does a composite volcano have silica?

Yes it is high in silica because composite volcanoes are known for being explosive. Composite volcanoes, sometimes referred to as stratovolcanoes, one of Earth's most common type.They form by explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material followed by quieter outpourings of lava. This usually indicates high silica content. High silica makes for thicker magma that can clog up the vent from the volcanoe's last eruption. Which makes the next eruption far more explosive because the magma has to free its self out of the vent, and with tremendous force it succeeds sky rocketing billions of pieces of pyroclastic material out of its vent. (this is known as an explosive eruption.)