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Take your pick between Loch Lomond (the song) and Loch Ness (the monster).

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Q: What is the most famous loch in Scotland and what it makes famous?
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What is the most famous loch in Scotland?

Probably Loch Ness, but there are others.

What is the most famous place in Scotland?

Loch Ness

What is the most famous thing in Scotland?

Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.

Where is the loch ness monster from?

If Nessie exists then as Nessie is a short name for 'The Loch Ness Monster' you would allegedly find it living in Loch Ness.

What is the main lochs in Scotland?

Loch Lomond is the largest Lake in Great Britain by surface area.Loch Ness is the largest lake in Scotland by volume of water - its very deep.In terms of water volume, Loch Ness has more water than all the other lochs put together because it is so deep. By area, Loch Lomond is biggest.

The most attractive place in Scotland?

loch lomond

A Scottish lake?

Fresh water lakes in Scotland are often called Lochs.One of the largest Lochs in Scotland is called Loch Ness.Loch Ness is reputed to be the home of the Loch Ness Monster.

What is a lake called in Scotland?

In Scotland lakes are called lochs. Loch Ness and Loch Lomond are the most important. The major rivers are the Forth, the Clyde, the Tay, the Tweed, the Solway, the Moray, the Spey, the Don and the Dee.

Where is Nessie located?

Nessie is said to be seen in loch ness lake in Scotland... the most recent sightings were 1999 2002 and 2007.... do more research and im sure you will believe shes real

Which creature is most famous for not being seen?

Bigfoot, The Loch ness monster, and aliens.

Who was Scotland's most famous poet?

Robert Burns is considered to be Scotland most famous poet.

What is the most bizarre thing about Scotland?

The fact that some people believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists.