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right before it gets fired

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Q: What is the most fragile stage of clay?
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What is the most fragile state of clay?

When the clay dries just prior to firing.

Why are China dishes called China?

Dishes were made in China of a special clay found in the country. It is called Kaolin and it is the clay that porcelain is made out of. Porcelain is one of the most fragile of the pottery clays and is the most luminescent.

Is terracotta fragile?

Terracotta is fragile, because it must be made thin. It is made as thin as possible to prevent an artist leaving air bubbles inside of the clay. If there is air inside of the clay it will expand and break the clay while it is being fired.

What is the most fragile bone?

The ribs are the most fragile

When do you put clay ina kiln?

You put clay in the kiln when the clay is at the bone dry stage.

What is the superlative form of fragile?

most fragile

When the clay stiffens but is not completely dry it is at what stage?

That is called "leather hard" clay

What is most fragile?

One of the most fragile bones is the hyoid bone in the neck.

What does leather-hard mean to potters?

The stage reached in the drying of clay when most of the water of plasticity has evaporated off, maximum shrinkage has occurred and the clay particles have come into contact with each other. It is at this stage that most surface treatments and some secondary manufacturing techniques, such as paddling, are executed, because the clay is still moist enough to allow alteration. Also known as green-hard.

Is pottery a malleable or a brittle material?

Clay is malleable if there is water present in the clay body. As clay dries it goes through several stages. First is wet clay, which is very malleable. Second is what I call the cheese hard stage. It is still slightly bendable without cracking. Third is the leather hard stage. At this stage clay cannot be bent without cracking but you can still add or subtract from the surface by carving or building up with wet clay. Fourth is the bone dry stage. At this point the clay is dry and can no longer be added upon or subtracted from. It can only be fired or reconstituted into wet clay. After firing, I'm sure you know that pottery is very durable.

What is the comparative and superlative of weak?

comparative= weaker superlative= weakest

What is the most fragile ting in the world?

The most fragile thing in the world is considered to be soap bubbles. Their delicate nature means they can easily burst with the slightest touch or change in environment.