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This question is very vague. In my opinion the respiration of the body is important because it keeps us alive and helps our blood pump.

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Q: What is the most important function of the body?
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During moderate exercise, the body primarily gets its energy from a combination of carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates stored in the muscles and liver are broken down into glucose for immediate energy, while fats are broken down into fatty acids for sustained energy. Protein can also contribute a small amount of energy during prolonged exercise.

What is the most important function in human life?

The cell is the basic unit of body,it is very small.cell unint make a tissue,tissue unit make a organ, organ make organ system then make a these very important function of body or human body

Function of a red blood cell is?

The main function of a red blood cell is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and organs, and to carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. This process is vital for sustaining life and providing cells with the oxygen they need to produce energy.

Why is the function of the lungs important?

it is important that co2 gets out of our body or else it wud cause severe body problems.therefore lungs perform a function wich is really important

What is the second most important function in the skeletal system?

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What are some of the function?

The most important function is the skin.

How does the skeltal system work with other body systems?

The most basic function of the skeletal system is the movement and the framing of the body. Without it, the body will not be able to stand errect or the important organs will not be able to be protected from impact and trauma. It frames the body and supports the muscles while they function.

What is the function of most of the DNA in the body?

Most of the DNA in humans appears to have no genetic function.