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ADH, anti-diuretic hormone.

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Q: What is the most important hormone that regulates blood osmolality?
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The primary effect of antidiruetic hormone ADH is to?

lower the osmolality of the blood

What usually regulates hormone concentrations in the blood?

Negative feedback usually regulates hormone concentrations in the blood.

What is the most important hormone that regulates the amount of calcium in the blood and is released when blood calcium levels drop?

The hormone is called as parathyroid hormone. It is secreted by the parathyroid glands.

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Thyroid hormone

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What hormone is excreted by the parathyroid glands and regulates calcium levels in the blood and tissues?

Parathyroid hormone

What hormone regulates blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid glands secrete PTH (parathyroid hormone) to regulate blood calcium levels.

What are the hormones of the excretory system?

The excretory system has antidiuretic hormone ADH that regulates how often you have to pee, renin angiotensin aldosterone that regulates blood pressure and atrial natriuretic that also regulates blood pressure.

What is the name of the hormone which regulates the blood sugar and which organ secrete?

Insulin secreted by the pancreas.

What pancreatic hormone stimulates elevated blood glucose levels?

The hormone Insulin regulates the body's glucose levels.

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Cholecalciferol is a steroid hormone that regulates body levels of calcium. It is a form of Vitamin D. Parathyroid hormone increases the concentration of calcium in the blood.

Hyposecretion of what hormone results in anemia?

Erthropoietin. It regulates erthropoIesis, which is the production of red blood cell