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The Talmud (known as the Oral Law, which has now been codified) is provides extensive understanding to the Torah (aka 5 books of Moses). Many commentators such as Rashi also give great insight into the Torah as well.

Many examples illustrate why Torah without the commentaries of the Talmud and early commentators do not provide the full context when reading the basic text alone. One example is involves the concept of kosher and not mixing Milk and Meat together. The word Milk in Hebrew (Chalav) can also have a different meaning since the spelling is the same as a different word. The Talmud provides this authoritative answer to this question.

Another example involves Tefillin. Boys above age 13 wear what is called "Tefillin" during morning prayer. While the text about Tefillin are cited in the Torah, the Talmud is really what expounds on what this prayer vessel looks like, how it is built, the laws surrounding the guidelines for wearing them, etc. In reading the text of the Torah alone, one would never know that a black box on the head and arm of the man which contains specific texts contained by simply reading the Torah alone.

I hope this helps provide you a start for answering your question. I suggest a website such as to provide you further guidance and explanation.


Gideon Kreiner

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The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) is the most important document in Judaism.

The Talmud, which serves to explain and expand upon the Torah's brief details, is second-most important.

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Most of Judaism's claims are non-falsifiable, so no, but neither has any other religious faith.

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Moses was the most important of the prophets in Judaism (Numbers ch.12). See also:A biography of Moses

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