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a sphere.

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Q: What is the most inefficient cell shape for diffusion?
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Is diffusion of molecules across the cell membrane the most complex type of active?

No, diffusion of molecules across a cell membrane is a passive process, not active, and arguably the least complex.

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The cells of plants algae fungi and most bacteria get their shape from?

They get their shape from the cell wall

What part of the plant cell that gives it shape?

That is the cell wall.It is the outer most layer.

How do most molecules cross the cell membrane?

Diffusion or if the molecules are too large they go through the transport proteins.

What is the diffusion problem how is it solved in eukaryotic cells?

The diffusion problem is based on relative concentrations in and outside of the cell and a lipid bilayer´s permeability to most of the ions essential to cell processes. It is solved by active transport and facilitated diffusion through protein channels and pumps both passively and through the use of ATP. .... I think ...

Where in the membrane does facilitated diffusion occur?

Diffusion will most likely to occur where there is a high concentration of gas or water then the particles distibute evenly to the area of low concentration. for example if you could smell a turkey cooking in the oven from upstairs without anyone telling you.