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Lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

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Q: What is the most lateral distal part of the humerus?
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Can the most lateral part of the humerus be felt through the skin?

Yes, the most lateral epicondyle, the most lateral part of the humerus, can be felt through the skin. It's the bump at the elbow on the thumb side.

Is The distal end of the humerus at the shoulder?

The distal end of the humerus articulates with the two bones of the forearm, the radius and the ulna. Noteworthy features on its distal and are the lateral and medial epicondyles (one of which is your elbow) as well as the trochlea and capitulum(both of these features forming the "pulley" shape found at the end of the humerus.

What bony landmark of the anterior humerus articulates with the ulna?

To you mean the joint itself? The elbow, AKA the proximal-distal axis of the humerus and ulna, respectively.Or just the distal epiphysis of the humerus (the rounded head of the bone which is farther fromthe arm's point of attachment to the torso)

What part of the humerus forms the lateral contour of the shoulder?

The greater tuberosity of the humerus forms the lateral contour of the shoulder. The supraspinatus muscle attaches at the greater tuberosity.

Part of the elbow is formed by the?

lateral end of the humerus

What is a fracture of the distal end of the fibula?

The distal ends of the tibia and fibula are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The tibia has the medial malleolus, and the fibula has the lateral malleolus.

What joint is formed by the humerus?

The distal (meaning furthest from the body) aspect of the humerus that forms the elbow is called the trochlea, which literally means pulley.The distal & medial aspect of the humerus in the region of the elbow is called the medial epicondyle, but this is more of a site for tendon attachment for flexor muscles. The medial epicondyle is not a part of the actual elbow joint.

What articular surfaces make up the shoulder joint?

The proximal surface is the acromion of the scapula while the distal part is the head of the humerus.

What is the difference between lateral and distal?

Lateral refers to a left-to-right relationship, eg, the left lung is lateral to the right lung.Distal refers to a near-far or base-tip relationship. The fingertip is distal; the base of the finger is proximal.

What two bones articulate with the distal humerus?

The humerus bone is the long bone in your upper arm. In simple terms, it goes from your shoulder down to your elbow. But heres the names for all the bones is conects to starting from the shoulder area: The humerus bone connects to two parts of the scapula bone (shoulder blade) which are the acromoin and the coracoid process. Near the elbow, the humerus bone connects with the olecranon process and the head of the radius.

Which part of the body is antecubitus?

The antecubitus is the area distal to the humerus, proximal to the radius and ulna, and anterior to the trochlea. Layman's terms - face of the arm opposite the elbow, or the inside of the elbow.

Is humerus a cloud?

No. The humerus is the bone of your upper arm.