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Q: What is the most likely source of the waves approaching the coastline?
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What is a constructive coastline?

A constructive coastline has been formed by constructive waves, which deposit the load carried by the waves. Some features on a constructive coastline are a beach and a spit.

What is the Doppler effect on sound?

The Doppler effect is a phenomenon observed whenever the source of waves is moving with respect to an observer. The Doppler effect can be described as the effect produced by a moving source of waves in which there is an apparent upward shift in frequency for the observer and the source are approaching and an apparent downward shift in frequency when the observer and the source is receding. The Doppler effect can be observed to occur with all types of waves - most notably water waves, sound waves, and light waves.

How waves shape the coastline?

by erosion

Speed of sound is approx 740mph a police car with its siren sounding is approaching you at 80mph at what speed is the sound from the police siren approaching you?

The sound moves through the air at 740 mph, regardless of the speed of the source. The sound ofthe siren passes you at 740 mph.However, since the source is approaching you, more waves pass you each second than leavethe source each second. That's why the pitch of the sound from an approaching source soundshigher than its actual pitch.Also ... since the sound doesn't move away from the source any faster than 740 mph no matterhow fast the source is moving, that's why the pressure of the sound waves piles up in front ofthe source when the speed of the source approaches 740 mph, forming what's popularly calledthe "sound barrier".

Are waves a source of energy?

waves is not a source of energy

Can a frog sense an earthquake approaching?

Yes, most animals have better hearing than humans. The frogs can hear the primary waves (P waves) approaching. This irritates them and they go crazy. The P waves come before an earthquake.

What agent of erosion only affects locations along a coastline?


What are source earthquake waves?

The source of earthquake waves is the epicenter of the earthquake.

How long can tsunami waves travel?

Some tsunami waves have travelled most of the way around the world, and have destroyed coastline thousands of kilometres from their origin.

How are sound waves unique?

Sound waves move away from the source of energy, but other sorts of waves move perpendicular (at a right angle) to the energy source