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Q: What is the most nutritious part of grains such as rice and wheat?
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How many grains are in Asperigus?

There are no grains in asparagus. Grains are foods like oats, barley, and wheat and are most often used to make things like bread. Whole grains are an important part of any person's diet.

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What is the importance of grain?

Grains are main sources of carbohydrates. they provided different types of carbs like soluble/insoluble or simple/complex carbohydrates etc. whole grains are loaded with many vitamins and minerals. specially in germ and bran. they are also good source of fibers. grains are one of most important part of a nutritious meal.

What was the type of farming practiced in the middle colonies?

part industrial part agriculture. makes bread with the grains they grew like wheat and barley

What plant part does the wheat grain come from?

Bread can be made from many grains, including: wheat, oat, rye, corn, and barley.

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What part of the alfalfa hay is lost when baled to late?

The leaves, which are the most nutritious part of the alfalfa plant.

What contain nutrient?

Wheat is part of the grains, breads, and cereals food group. So it contains B vitamins and it gives you energy.

How is wheat produced?

Like many grains wheat is grown in large paddocks. It can be ground into a flour as a stage in bread making. It can also be rolled flat and used as part of breakfast. For more information on the production of Wheat go to the related link below (Wheat production in Queensland)

Which part of a grain of wheat contains the starch and protein?

All grains contain starch, as starch is a storage of energy inside the seed to allow it to grow.