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The most popular pet snakes on almost all polls and lists the corn snake and ball or royal pythons. Both species are non aggressive, easy to keep and make good pets (with the proper set up).

They would be followed by king or milk snakes, hog nose snakes, boa constrictors, carpet pythons and rosy and Kenyan sand boas.

improvement/edition: I was told that a good snake for a child such as 10 years of age and up, is a rat snake. I love all snakes! They really fascinate me!

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Q: What is the most popular pet snake?
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Is the king snake endanger?

No. Not at all. King snakes are one of the most common snakes found in north america, and are one of the most popular pet snakes on the market.

What snake is the most common house pet?

Probably the Corn Snake or the Ball Python.

Can you describe a king snake?

A king snake is a harmless, popular beginner pet snake. Not for the squeamish, they are very flighty but cannot inflict severe damage on a grown adult.

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you can get non-poisonius snakes at most pet stores like pet smart, super pet ect.

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people vary in their choice of pet, also it depends on where you live, but in the United States, the most popular pet would be the dog or the cat, and the golden retriever is one of the most popular dogs. people vary in their choice of pet and it also depends on where you live, in the United States, the most popular pet would be the dog or the cat and the one of the most popular dogs is the golden retriever.

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The most popular cat breed is a Persian.

What is the most popular pet in pet-pet park?

Well now the MOST popular petpet in petpet park in the pinxiy . Dont believe me? CHeckit out ur self.

Does slash have a pet snake?

Yes i believe he douse a have a pet snake. Or had i am not shure.