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Q: What is the most popular way for british person influence the political decision making?
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What effect did the Dred Scott decision have on Senator Stephen A Douglas' political situation?

The Dred Scott decision by the US Supreme Court in 1857 damaged Senator Douglas' main political position on slavery. It virtually vetoed his policy of popular sovereignty.

The demand that there be no taxation without representation is a good example of what political reform of the eighteenth century?

more popular influence on government

What developments in the natioal political system provide for more popular control?

This was democracy. This system allows for the people to determine what was going on in the country and what laws would influence them.

When was salvage jewelry popular?

Even the British punk movement of the late 1970s exerted its influence on costume jewelry trends of the 1980s, as the "creative salvage" look, utilizing leather and rubber, became popular.

How did English become universal?

English became a global lingua franca due to historical factors like British colonization, the spread of the British Empire, and the economic and political influence of countries like the United States. Additionally, the rise of the internet, international business, and popular culture has further solidified English as a universal language for communication.

How did fish 'n' chips become a New Zealand icon?

Fish 'n' Chips is a popular takeaway meal in both New Zealand and Australia, and this is largely a British influence. Both countries were colonised by Great Britain, and the British influence remains quite strong in the culture of both countries.

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what sports were popular with the british immigrants

The ways of England are the ways of the world?

Anglocentrism.... It's an expression originating in the 19th century, that reflected the enormous influence the English had over the rest of the word due the massive British Empire. The obvious include Language, political system (Westminster parliamentary), religion (Anglican church), sport (most popular modern sports have British origin) and law (English law), which were spread both peacefully and forcefully upon other cultures that were reached by the British Empire's sphere of influence. British customs and culture are still widely used now, most obviously the English language.

What are three factors that might influence a school board's decision on where to locate a new school?

Three factors that might influence a school board's decision on where to locate a new school are: -Population (enough kids in the area) -Near popular neighborhoods, not in an inconvenient place in the middle of no where. -Enough land to build a school (build a park, school yard...etc.)

What is the political meaning of popular approbation?

popular support of the people

How do movies the radio and popular magazines influence popular culture?

they always do it