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The biggest animal is the Blue whale. It can weigh an amazing 200 tons.

The longest animal of the world may be the bootlace worm (Lineus longissimus) with a length of 30 or even 60 meters.
blue whale
Blue whale

Lion's mane jellyfish is bigger than a blue whale.
blue whale

Mottled, blue-gray (Balaenoptera musculus), also called sulfur-bottom whale because of the yellowish on some individuals. The largest of all animals, the blue whale reaches a maximum length of about 100 ft (30 m) and a maximum weight of 150 tons (136,000 kg). It is found alone or in small groups in all oceans. In summer it feeds on in polar waters, and in winter it moves toward the equator to breed. It was once the most important of the commercially hunted baleen whales, and its populations were greatly reduced. Listed as an, it is now protected.
the blue whale. Or the megladon
the blue whale,but it competing with the giant squid and the Argentinosaurus
The largest known animal on Earth is the blue whale. Mature blue whales can measure anywhere from 75 feet (23 m) to 100 feet (30.5 m) from head to tail, and can weigh as much as 150 tons (136 metric tons). That's as long as an 8- to 10-story building and as heavy as about 112 adult male giraffes! These days, most adult blue whales are only 75 to 80 feet long; whalers hunted down most of the super giants. Female blue whales generally weigh more than the males. The largest blue whale to date is a female that weighed 389,760 pounds (176,792 kg). The largest animal to have ever been recorded is the blue whale.
The biggest living creature is the blue whale. The biggest sea animal that ever lived is the megaladon shark, but it is extinct.

No actually its the blue whale, They are the most biggest ever!

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world, with one recorded as weighing 190 tonnes and measuring 30 meters long.

The largest land animal is the African elephant, recorded at 13.5 tonnes in weight and 10.6 meters in length from trunk tip to tail end, with a ground-to-withers (ground-to-shoulder) height of 4.2 meters.

The brown bear and the polar bear are the largest land carnivores, while the largest reptile is the saltwater crocodile.

The tallest land animal is the giraffe; the largest bird is the ostrich.

Biggest Animal on EarthThe biggest animal on earth is Balaenoptera musculus, otherwise known as the blue whale. They can grow up to 33 metres (108 ft) in length and weigh up to 180 metric tonnes.
There are many folkloristic legends about it; however the biggest (in lenght) animal living and ever lived is said to be the ribbon worm Lineus longissimus. The heaviest animal alive is said to be the blue whale Baelenoptera musculus.
There are many folkloristic legends about it; however the biggest (in lenght) animal living and ever lived is said to be the ribbon worm Lineus longissimus. The heaviest animal alive is said to be the blue whale Baelenoptera musculus.
Blue Whale

The biggest living creature on earth is a blue whale, approximately 30 meters in length.They are even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs.
on land is the elephant water whale
A dinosaurses
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18y ago

I do not think so. There are lots more ants, beetles and flies than there are humans. Not to speak of nematodes. What I look for is the largest one. Is that sardines? Mice? Anything that comes close to our size?

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14y ago

In terms of animals that are visible to the naked eye, the Antarctic Krill is the single species that has the greatest estimated biomass, and probably the greatest population.

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15y ago

i dont know......................... if this is a howork question......... I KNOW WHERE U LIVE!

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14y ago

Chickens have the largest population in the world , in a upwards of 24 million all over the world !

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7y ago

The blue whale is the largest animal on earth.

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6y ago

The Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth.

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Ants and termites

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The blue whale.

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