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The power of a medication depends mainly on the person's reaction, milligram dosages, and height, weight and metabolism. Usually the brand name or basic chemical structure matter less than the method of action, so the list will be ordered by the strength of the method of action Anti-anxiety- SSRI's, depressants, irregular anti-physchotics, regular anti-physchotics.

Depression- SSRI's or mood stabilizers, SNRI's, triclinic, MAOI, irregular anti-physchotics, regular anti-physchotics, stimulants (methlphenydate, amphetamine)

ADHD- SSRI's, SNRI's, Welbutrin, Straterra, XR methlphenydate, XR amphetamines, Vyvvance, IR methlphenydate, IR amphetamines

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Q: What is the most powerful anxiety -depression -ADHD medication each respectively?
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