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Q: What is the most powerful poem or quote you know?
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Where does the quote 'Don't quote the raven' come from?

I know of the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe. I did a little searching because I didn't recognize the quote "Don't quote 'The Raven.' " Although many people have used that phrase online, it appears that the phrase (possibly originally) comes from a poem that was posted in response to another question here on It was part of a poem written in answer to the question "Do we have any good poem, song, or story writers out there?"

What message does the island man poem give?

well, i can give you a quote from the poem but am not really sure. it is "no board says it is: but my feet know". i hope this answer will help you.

Is there any poem that Mohandas Gandhi wrote?

I dont know but if you go to quote garden there are quotes that he has written

What is the type of poem which has loads of powerful imagery in a poem?

A type of poem known for its powerful imagery is called a "descriptive" or "visual" poem. In this type of poem, vivid and detailed language is used to create strong mental images for the reader, evoking emotions and enhancing the overall impact of the poem.

What do you like most about the poem?

Hmm... well i dont know

What type of poem is All that Glitters is not Gold?

It is not a poem. It is a quote from the play 'A Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare.

Do you use asterisks when siting a poem?

When siteing a poem always single quote and if possible, refer to the poet and the poem, which is expected from a poetry appreciator.

Who said the quote The only way out is in?

Who said the quote The only way out is in?

Images in But You Didn't - Merrill Glass?

This poem is striking and powerful. Throughout the poem there are several images. The images in the first three stanza's are of a naive girl who obviously loved this man and was delighted that he stayed with her and loved her even though she often took him for granted. The last stanza has the most vivid image. we see the image of just how much she loved him and then, the most powerful image in the poem, the death of her love. The reminiscent style of this poem helps us get an image of just how much she loves and misses him.

What does the poem I remembered by Sara Teasdale mean?

Its a poem about the cost of having a powerful imagination, her dreams were and always will be more exciting and wonderful than the reality.

Who or what does the poet imagine is the you I this poem?

To be able to know what the poet imagines is the you in the poem a person will need to know what poem it is. Without knowing the title of the poem it is difficult to know the answer.

Are quotes a form of poetry?

No. A quote is where we give someone's exact words. You can quote from a poem, but also from a newspaper article or a story or a speech.