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Q: What is the most tender of a cow?
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Related questions

What part of the cow is the most expensive meat to buy?

The most expensive meat to buy from the cow is filet mignon. It comes from the muscle on the cow that does the least amount of work, the short loin, and this means it is the most tender.

Is cow foot considered red meat?

Cow's feet are red meat, but there is not a lot of tender meet to be found on the foot of a cow. They are often used to make beef broth and the meat becomes more tender when slowly simmered.

What does the tenderloin do in a cow?

the tenderloin pretty well does nothing, which is why it's so tender to eat.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word tender?

More Tender IS THE COMPARETIVE FORM OF TENDER Most tender is the superlative form of word tender

Definition for round cut on beef cattle?

The round cut is located on the cow's hindquarters, usually tender.

Can you get a porterhouse from a cow and a steer?

Yes, but you're better off getting a better quality porterhouse steak from a steer than you would a cow. A steer is younger than a cow and the meat is more tender and less gamey-tasting than a cow would be.

Why shouldn't you eat beef?

well I don't really see the problem with eating beef but sometimes its depends on the type of beef) you can get salt beef or fillet steak which is the most tender part of the cow.

What meat of the cow is the most expensive?

It is the prime cuts, eg fillet sirloin, rump, rib eye etc. these are the cuts that are less frequently used by the animal, so are more tender and more expensive. Fillet is the most expensive.

From what part of the cow does the primerib steak come?

From the small end of the tenderloin (called the short loin) which is found on the back rib cage of the animal.

Most tender meat cut of cattle?

I think the fillet of steak is the most tender. Its located just on the backbone

What is the most common cow that beef comes from?

purple cow

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are chicken tenders more tender than the chicken breast??