There are many professional dog trainers in the world, all with great results. The most well-known dog trainer may be Cesar Milan, better known as The Dog Whisperer. He is a self-taught expert who focuses on rehabilitating especially aggressive dogs.
A dog named Sinbad.
Chubacabra is a well known legend of Mexico. It is referred to as the devil-dog by most locals. Cubacabra's existence has not yet been scientifically proven to date.
It is hard to say what the most well known breed in Ireland would be. Collies would be well known, as would Labradors, Alsation/German Shepherds and many others.
Husky dogs are most well known for mushing in dog-sled races. Siberian Huskies are also well known for playing a game of fetch or catch. They are very pretty dogs.
the most muscular dog in the world is Wendy the whipet
the most mean dog in the world is a pit bull
Cesar Melan (Millan) is a dog trainer who had his own television show, The Dog Whisperer. He is well known around the world for his dog training books, DVDs, and video tutorials.
Well theres alot, she feed a hamster with a spoon, plus she feed a dog with chicken, and a chicken with dog meat.
There are many dog rescue sites available, but perhaps the most well-known is Petfinder. Others include Petharbor, Pets411, and Adopt-A-Pet.
Victoria Stilwell is one of the most well-recognized and respected dog trainer. She is also best known for her role as the lead star of the TV series "It's me or the Dog".