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It means out of many one

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Q: What is the motto for the great seal?
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What is on the center of the Florida of flag?

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What is the meaning of the motto Or shorts saying On the great seal?

The Great Seal of the United States says, "E Pluirbus Unum" which is Latin for "From Many, One" (from many states one union is formed).

What motto appears on the obverse side of the great seal of the US?

There are three mottoes on the seal:E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one)Annuit Coeptis (Providence favors our undertakings)Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages)

Who made the great seal?

The original motto of the US was "E Pluribus Unum" which is Latin for "One from many." It refers to the joining of a single federal national government with individual state governments. In 1776, congress appointed a committee to design a Great Seal for the US. The first design used the E Pluribus Unum motto but it was rejected by Congress. In 1782, the Secretary of Congress was asked to complete the Great Seal project and he produced a design that included an eagle with a heart shaped shield holding arrows and an olive branch. In a scroll held in the eagle's beak was the motto, "E Pluribus Unum" and Congress accepted the design. The Great Seal was first used on 16 September 1782.

What is the motto of Hackensack High School?

The motto of Hackensack High School is 'Seal motto: Scientia Terras Irradiamus'.

What is the motto on Florida's state seal?

It is In God We Trust.


The Great Seal of the United States says, "E Pluirbus Unum" which is Latin for "From Many, One" (from many states one union is formed).

What is Great Yarmouth's motto?

Great Yarmouth's motto is 'The King and Our Rights'.

What des the symbols mean on the flag of illions?

The current flag depicts the Great Seal of Illinois, which was originally designed in 1819 and emulated the Great Seal of the United States. In the eagle's beak there is a banner with the state motto, "State Sovereignty, National Union." The dates on the seal, 1818 and 1868 represent the year Illinois became a state and the year in which the Great Seal was redesigned by Sharon Tyndale. Although "State Sovereignty" comes first in the motto, Illinois was victorious in the American Civil War on the Union side, fighting against state sovereignty, so Tyndale placed "State" at the bottom and "Sovereignty" upside-down.[1]

What is the motto of Great Yarmouth?

The motto of Great Yarmouth is 'Rex et Nostra Jura '.