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Q: What is the mouth stretching thing they put in your mouth when you get braces?
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What to do with your braces during school when in pain?

put cold water in your mouth

Can braces kill you?

No well they can if you have a small mouth . I have a small mouth so when they put all the big plastic mouth holder things in I couldnt breathe. In the end they had to take everything out so now I can't have braces

Can you breathe through your mouth while getting braces put on?

yes you can breathe whilst you are having braces put on but it is a bit hard. the dentist will give you breaks in between to have water.

What do you least like to have a dentist put in your mouth?

drill, needle, fingers, braces

Does it hurt when they put on your braces?

Usually it doesn't hurt when they put them on. Your mouth is usually sore for the next 3-4 days though.

Does putting on braces hurt?

no it does not hurt to put braces on.but its kinda creepy when they put the really sharp tools into your mouth. they will ask you if you want colors on there braces. then they put on the wires and then u r all set and ready to go home.but if u r a kid it is kinda emberrissing when u go to school with braces for the 1st time. then they will get used to it.

Will you be in pain when having braces put in?

you won`t when you get them put on but might have some discomfort when they are shifting

When you get glow in the dark braces should you put a flashlight on your teeth?

Yes, if you don't put a flash light in ur mouth it doesn't glow. So..I am deciding not to get glow in the dark braces cuz its a lot of work to even get them to glow.

What if your braces make what if your mouth sore?

it doesn`t hurt but you will have discomfort later on so take tylenol and eat soft foods you will also have to be prepared to have braces on for a while I need mine on for 18 months so you will become used to the feeling but you will need to change some of the stuff you eat and be careful and check what you eat food can get caught in your braces

Does it pain while putting braces?

no it does not hurt to put braces on.but its kinda creepy when they put the really sharp tools into your mouth. they will ask you if you want colors on there braces. then they put on the wires and then u r all set and ready to go home.but if u r a kid it is kinda emberrissing when u go to school with braces for the 1st time. then they will get used to it.

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

What are the steps that an orthodontists takes to put in braces?

Usually will make a mould of your mouth top and bottom. Then a week before your appointment to get braces he will put spacers in which are little bands that go in between your teeth. A week later he will put the braces in. That's mine and my friends experiences although i didn't have any extractions so I missed that bit out. Sekhmet