

What is the movement of a shark?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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9y ago

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A shark swims in the water using its fins and tail.

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Q: What is the movement of a shark?
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The movement of a shark getting its pray?

Sharks don't Pray as far as i know sharks have no religion. They do catch prey like fish or seals. It depends wich shark and wich prey animal what its movement is. You might wanna watch shark week on discovery channel.

If you kill the shark what are the consequences?

there is more blood and that means more sharks since sharks are attrated to blood so the best tip is to don't kill a shark until it trys to kill you and if it does kill it but if there are other sharks just try to dodge it with as little movement as possible as sharks can sense any movement

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The shark can only be propelled forward (or turn in a circle) by sideways movement of the tail.

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Sharks and perches have different skeletons by how sharks by how shark's body are straight and aligned to have quick movement in bodies of water. On the other hand, perch's have rough, rigid scales on their body. On the other hand sharks are made of cartilage (the perch are not).

What are all shark names?

Tiger Shark Lemon Shark Great White Shark Whale Shark Basking Shark Megamouth Shark Grey Reef Shark Carribbean Reef Shark Black Tip Reef Shark White Tip Reef Shark Black Tip Shark Thats all poo poo!!

What are some specific shark?

Great White Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Sand Shark, Bull Shark

Shark names with letter b?

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What is the species of a hammer head shark?

Bull Shark, Tiger Shark, Great White Shark, HammerHead Shark, Basking Shark, Black-Tip Shark, White-Tip Shark, Whale Shark, Zebra Shark, Lemon Shark, Sand Shark, Megalodon Shark, Goblin Shark, Mako Shark, MegaMouth Shark, Angel Shark, Reef Shark, Cow Shark

What is the locomotion of a hammerhead shark?

The behavior of hammerhead sharks are swimming around to eat marine animals.

What is a young shark?

a young shark is a shark

What is the worlds slowest shark?

the worlds slowest shark is the tiger shark the worlds slowest shark is the tiger shark

What sharks are closely related to the Sandbar shark?

The tiger shark, the blue shark, the bull shark, and the milk shark.