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Q: What is the movement of material due to differences in density that are caused by differences in temperature called?
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How does the temperature and density drive the convection currents in the mantle?

Temperature differences in the mantle drive convection currents because warm material is less dense and rises, while cooler material is more dense and sinks. This movement creates a circular flow as the cooler material sinks and gets heated, while the warmer material rises and cools down. The density variations caused by the temperature differences are a key driver of convection in the mantle.

Differences in a material's is what drives convection?

Differences in a materials __________ is what drives convection

What is cycling of material due to differences in density?


What is the movement of matter that results from differences in density called?


Any movement of matter that results from differences in density?


What currents caused by temperature and density differences?


Currents are caused by temperature and density differences?


What Current are caused by temperature and density differences?


Describe the effect of temperature on density currents?

when a substance is cooler at the surface, the density increases in the substance.

Which current is caused by temperature differences in the water?

Density Current

What does density depend on?

The density of a material depends on the mass and the volume of that material. In order to find the density of a material you must multiple the mass of the material and the volume of the material.

What are currents that are caused by differences in water density most often the result of?

differences in temperature and salinity.