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Q: What is the movement of you eye while you sleep called?
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Why do your eye leds move while im asleep?

Yes, a phase of sleep is called REM standing for rapid eye movement.

Do the eye balls roll when asleep?

Yes, several times each sleeping period. the movement of the eyes during sleep is called REM [Rapid Eye Movement) The periods of sleep during which REM occurs is called REM sleep.

What is non-rapid eye movement sleep?

Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep-- A type of sleep that differs from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The four stages of NREM sleep account for 75-80% of total sleeping time.

What does the REM part of REM sleep mean?

Rapid Eye Movement

What causes Rapid Eye Movement?

Rapid eye movement is common during sleep but when it happens when a person is awake, it is considered to be abnormal and is called nystagmus. It is often caused by the abnormal function in part of the brain or the inner ear.

What are the 5 stages of sleep called and which cycle of sleep do dreams occur?

There are five stages of sleep; Stages 1-4, and then REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, in which dreaming occurs.

What is the device called that records eye movement?

The EEG reflects brain activity during both waking and sleep.

Is REM sleep a quiet or active sleep?

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is active sleep.

What is the stages of sleep?

The deepest stage of sleep is REM or Rapid Eye Movement.

What is REM . sleep?

R.E.M Rapid Eye Movement

REM sleep refers to?

Rapid eye movement is associated with dreams in the early hours of the morning.

Is rapid eye movement involved in dreaming?

Yes it is....ive actually witnessed this myself on many occassions.....some people have involuntary eye twitches while they sleep.