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Q: What is the muscle antagonist for the depression of the mandible?
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Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the geniohyoid during depression of mandible?

The masseter acts as the antagonist.

What is the antagonist for the mandible?

The antagonist for the mandible is the temporalis muscle. It is responsible for closing the jaw while the mandible is involved in opening the jaw.

What muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible?

The masseter muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible.

What is the chewing muscle covering the angle of the mandible?

The masseter muscle is the chewing muscle covering the angle of the mandible. During bilateral contraction, the muscle elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw.

What is the prime muscle mover agonist for depression of the mandible?

.. Masseter - prime mover of jaw closure - elevates the mandible ... External intercostals - with 1st rib fixed by scalene muscles - pull ribs toward one

What muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle?

antagonist muscle

What is an antagonist muscle?

A antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The Triceps Brachii is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii.

When you bend your elbow what is the triceps muscle acting as in relation acting as in relation to the biceps muscle?


What muscle elevates the mandible in the human and cat?

the masseter muscle

What inserts on the coronoid process of the mandible?

The insertion of the temporalis muscle is on the coronoid process of the mandible.

What muscle Protrudes the mandible?

lateral pteregoid

What is the muscle that closes and retracts the mandible?
