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The masseter muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible.

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Q: What muscle is lateral to the ramus of the mandible?
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What muscle Protrudes the mandible?

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What is the ascending part of the mandible?

The ramus is the ascending part of the mandible.

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The Mandible. The Coronoid process a prominent projection just anterior to the Condylar Process.

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Lateral pterygoid (HOLES book, pg 155 part a )

What muscles is responsible for the protraction of the mandible?

The lateral pterygoid muscle has a triangular shape, with two heads; superior and inferior. It has horizontally orientated muscle fibers, and is the major protractor of the mandible.

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Ramus (plural rami)

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Lateral Pterygoid

What is the chewing muscle covering the angle of the mandible?

The masseter muscle is the chewing muscle covering the angle of the mandible. During bilateral contraction, the muscle elevates the mandible, raising the lower jaw.

Where are the ventral ramus and segmental vessels located?

middle and internal layers of the lateral muscles

What muscle opens and closes your jaw?

Gravity plays a large part in opening the jaw, but there are muscles that help forcefully open your jaw. The most important of these is the digastric muscle, which connects from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the hyoid bone, and then from the hyoid bone to the digastric fossa of the mandible.

What muscle elevates the mandible in the human and cat?

the masseter muscle