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The lateral pterygoid muscle has a triangular shape, with two heads; superior and inferior. It has horizontally orientated muscle fibers, and is the major protractor of the mandible.

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Q: What muscles is responsible for the protraction of the mandible?
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What's the difference between protraction and retraction?

Protraction of the mandible (jaw bone) is making an under-bite. (protrusion of mandible) Retraction of mandible would be creating an over-bite.

Which muscle performs protraction of the ribs?

I believe it is the External Intercostals that are responsible for protraction of the ribs.

What is the antagonist for the mandible?

The antagonist for the mandible is the temporalis muscle. It is responsible for closing the jaw while the mandible is involved in opening the jaw.

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Protraction of the scapula, produced by actions of both the serratus anterior and pectoralis minor muscles.

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The extrinsic muscles of the tongue, such as the genio-glossus and the stylo-glossus, attach the tongue to other structures and are responsible for the movement of the tongue. The muscle responsible for sticking the tongue out is the genio-glossus, which is attached to the mandible. by pulling on the other muscles while attached to the mandible, the genio-glossus is able to stick the tongue out.

Which muscles helps to open the mouth and depress the mandible?

lateral pterygoid, digastric, mylohyoid andgeniohyoid muscles

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The serratus anterior is responsible for the protraction of the scapula. It pulls the scapula forward and around the rib cage, like when someone throws a punch. Often referred to as the "boxer's muscle". It is also responsible for stabilizing the scapula and assisting in its rotation upward.

Are muscles responsible for movement?

Yea muscles are responsible for movement

What muscles is responsible for the movement of scapula depression?

The movement of the scapula is largely determined by the position of the shoulder girdle as a whole. As a "floating bone" the scapula is often at the mercy of the more fixed extremities and can be acted upon by several different muscles simultaneously. That being said, the prime mover responsible for scapular depression is the trapezius (specifically the lower fibers). Other muscles which act as stabilizers or synergists in scapular depression and eventual scapular protraction are the subscapularis, the serratus anterior and the lower fibers of latissimus dorsi.

Which muscles elevate and retract the mandible?

Temporalis, Masseter and the Medial Pterygoid

What is the bone that is known as your jaw bone?

A person has two jaw bones. One upper jaw bone called the maxilla and the lower bone called the mandible. The maxilla doesn't move but the mandible does. The muscle (masseter) that closes the two is one of the strongest muscles in the human body.

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