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Q: What is the musical family with the highest pitch?
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Which instrument of the percussion family has the highest pitch?

The chimes have the highest pitch in the percussion family.

What family does the trumpet come from?

The trumpet is the highest member of the brass family. By highest I mean it can go the highest in pitch.

What musical characteristics does the Trumpet have?

The trumpet has the highest pitch of all brass instruments.

Four strings on musical instrument are exactly the same with four different weights which string gives the highest pitch?

im not sure if i understand the question but the lightest string has the highest pitch

What is soprano alto tenor and bass?

These ae different musical voices. They each have a different range and pitch, with soprano being the highest and bass being the lowest. Alto and tenor in the middle. These ae different musical voices. They each have a different range and pitch, with soprano being the highest and bass being the lowest. Alto and tenor in the middle. These ae different musical voices. They each have a different range and pitch, with soprano being the highest and bass being the lowest. Alto and tenor in the middle. from:xxtinxx49

Which instrument produces the highest pitch of all woodwing instruments?

The piccolo is the highest pitched instrument in the woodwind family

High pitch instruments?

One high pitched musical instrument is an Oboe. Other high pitched musical instrument include a flue and a piccolo.

What is musical amplitude?

a musical amplitude it the wave lenth of the pitch

What is the name of the highest musical note?


What pitch is the highest pitch in a keyboard?

C7 is the highest note in the most common piano range.

What is a musical pitch indicator called?

A pitch indicator is called a metronome tuner.

The frequency of a musical note determines?

..its pitch.