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methyl ethyl ketone

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Q: What is the name Ketone with 6 carbons?
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What are the 3 names for the different sizes of sugar?

Names for carbohydrates are characteristic in that they end in '-ose'. For saccarides (sugars), they either have the prefix 'aldo' or 'keto' to signify whether they have aldehyde or ketone functional groups, respectively. The middle part signifies the number of carbons. Example: Aldotriose (sugar with aldehyde functional group and has three carbons) Ketopentose (sugar with ketone functional group and has five carbons) Aldohexose (ketone, six carbons)

What is symmerical ketone?

when two similar alkyl or aryl groups are attached to carbonyl carbons then it is a symmetrical ketone..... as CH3-CO-CH3 or C6H5-CO-C6H5

How many carbons does glucose have?

6 carbons 6 carbons

What is a saturated ketone?

A saturated ketone is one which has saturated alpha, beta carbons etc.. (by this I mean saturated with hydrogens, there are no double bonds). The opposite, a conjugated ketone, is one which has double bonds in its substituents or R groups (such as an aromatic ring system or alkene). For example, benzil is a conjugated ketone while acetone is a saturated ketone. Source: Organic Chemistry student

Name a simple carbohydrate with 6 carbons?

A simple carbohydrate with 6 carbons is aldohexose or a six-carbon aldehyde. Aldohexose is a monosaccharide that has an aldehyde group on one end.

Which is the correct molecular formula if the molecule has 6 carbons?

The correct molecular formula if a molecule has 6 carbons is : C6. The 'C' is the symbol for carbon and the little '6' tells us that there are 6 carbons in a particular molecule.

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During the second stage of the aerobic respiration 6 carbons enter and 6 carbons depart.

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A monosaccharide is composed of a chain of carbons all with hydroxyl groups, plus one carbonyl such as a ketone or an aldehyde.

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