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A Bishop is the leader of a cathedral, which contains his cathedra, or throne which is the symbol of his authority.

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A bishop or archbishop.

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Q: What is the name for a Roman Catholic presiding over a cathedral?
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Where is the Catholic cathedral located?

The Roman Catholic Church is divided geographically into regions called dioceses. Each of these regions is overseen by a bishop, who resides at one of the parishes (churches) in the diocese. Whichever parish the bishop lives at at regularly celebrates Mass at is the cathedral for that diocese. Not every city (or even every major city) has a cathedral.

What is the name of the Catholic church located in compostela?

The Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

What is the difference between an Abbey and a Cathedral?

Roman Catholic AnswerA Cathedral is a particular Church in every diocese that is the Bishop's Church, it takes its name because of the Cathedra which is in that Church. A Cathedra is a bishop's throne. A abbey is the church of a monastery that is headed by an abbot or abbess. It should be obvious from whence it takes its name.

What is the name of roman Catholic leader?

The name of the Roman Catholic leader is the 'Pope'. The current Pope is Pope Benedict XVI.

What is the name of the catholic cathedral in Adelaide?

St Francis Xavier built 1856 - 1860

What is title of the Roman Catholic Church?

The correct name of the popularly called Catholic Church is The Holy Roman Church. The word "Catholic" is not a part of its official name.

What is the name for the Italian headquarters of The Catholic Church?

the VaticanRoman Catholic AnswerNormally, the "headquarters" for each diocese is the city in which the Bishop has his cathedral, or "see". The Pope, who is Vicar of Christ has his cathedral in Rome, St. John Lateran.

What is the chair that the priest sits in at church called?

The Chair of a priest presiding at a Mass or service is called "The Presider's (because he presides) Chair" The Chair of a Bishop at his Cathedral is called "The Cathedra" (Meaning Chair).

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Should cathedral be capitalized?

No When referring to the Catholic Church or to a person who practices Catholicism, the word is always capitalized. However, when the word is used as an adjective meaning 'universal' it is not capitalized.

What is the name of the Dane Cook on religion?

He is Roman Catholic

Where does a Catholic Cardinal sit?

Catholic AnswerIn his own Cathedral, the Cardinal (like any Bishop) sits on his Cathedra, a word which by the way is how a Cathedral gets the name Cathedral - it is the Bishop's Church that contains his Cathedra. from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980Cathedra. 1. The chair or throne of a bishop in his cathedral church; 2. A liturgical term for the assuming of episcopal authority.